Registration & Abstracts

Abstract submission and registration are possible via our conference management system Conftool.


Registration &
Abstract submission


In Conftool first create a user account, then continue with abstract submission and/or registration. Please double check all relevant personal data (esp. e-mail addresses to avoid bounces) before saving and submitting.


Note the following relevant dates:


  • Monday, 10 Feb 2025 (11:59 PM, CET): Deadline of abstract submission (extended)
  • Friday, 7 March 2025 Notifying of authors
  • Friday, 14 March 2025: Early bird deadline
  • Tuesday, 22 April 2025: Regular registration deadline


The registration fees are summarized below. Those fees are “all inclusive”, so include entrance to the icebreaker event on Sunday, the conference dinner on Tuesday and to one of the side-events planned on Wednesday afternoon. Lunch and coffee breaks from Monday to Friday are also included.


Conference fee


   Regular StudentEarly bird
(until 14/03/2025)
 500 EUR 400 EUR
Regular registration
(until 22/04/2025)
 600 EUR 500 EUR




We have planned four excursions, from which you can choose one, described below (Click for description):


Visit Lutjewad atmospheric measurement station (limited to 50 persons)We will visit the atmospheric measurement station Lutjewad (ICOS class 2) located at the north coast of Groningen. A coach will bring us to the station in ~45 minutes. At the station you will be given a tour by staff members to see the various sampling and measurement equipment, a.o. the 60m tower, flask sampling system, trace gas measurement instruments, aerosol measurement equipment and radar and Lidar systems for cloud measurements. With clear weather you will have a nice view of three of the Wadden islands, an offshore wind farm and ships on the North Sea from the 9m high dike.  For more info about the Lutjewad station please visit:  On the way back we will visit the ‘borg’ (Gronings manor) Verhildersum where you will get a glimpse of the life of nobles, farmers and laborers in this region during the 19th century. Image: Borg Verhildersum, schuin van achter by Hardscarf via, licensed under CC-BY SA 3.0. Boat tour in and around Groningen (limited to 80 persons)The most relaxed way to enjoy the beautiful city of Groningen! We booked an electric boat which will sail around the Groningen city center and along the Winschoterdiep canal. The boat has a roof that can be opened when the weather allows. The tour will last 2 hours in total. There is a toilet on board, and it is possible to buy drinks and snacks (at your own expense).  Visit the Groninger MuseumThe building of the Groninger Museum alone is already worth a visit. This building opened in 1994 and is designed by Alessandro Mendini. The colourful building is an example of 20th century postmodernism, with its eclectic mix of styles. During a 1-hour tour a guide will show the building and tell us about the museum’s architecture and design. After the tour you can visit the current expositions and the permanent collection. Photo: Groninger Museum, Erik en Petra Hesmerg Guided city walking tourA guide will take you on a tour through Groningen, visiting the most beautiful and special places of the city. You will hear about the history of Groningen and the events that were important for this city. The tour will take 2 hours in total. Photo: Martinikerk by Jan Haak 



Awards for best oral & poster presentation for early career scientists


PhD students or post-docs will get the chance to participate in a competition for the best oral or poster presentation. More info on how to apply etc. will be sent out together with the notifications of acceptance for poster or talk, then you will also be able to register for this.





Choose for your abstract the session that fits the best to your subject, and make sure that the title of your abstract contains keywords.


Below you will find the sessions, the descriptions for each opens when you click on the individual session title.


The journal "Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies" has offered to produce a conference proceedings. After the conference, there will be time to send in submissions to the 'special edition' editors. Details on this will follow.


1 Methodological advancesThe possibilities for stable isotope analysis are continuously expanding. This session is meant to present new developments in instrumentation, analysis techniques, work on reference materials and software for data analysis. Contributions from both mass spectrometry and optical techniques are invited.As in this session the focus should be clearly on the measurement methodology, exemplary applications are welcome, but with a focus on the analytics and its performance not on data interpretation as such. We aim primarily at experiences from users, but instrument manufacturers are also invited to present their novelties, but in this session only as a poster. (For the sponsoring manufacturers there is a specific oral sponsor session.) 2 Progress in reference materialsAll isotope delta measurements are relative, and they rely on isotope reference materials. There are primary materials, which actually define the delta scale for a certain isotope, and there are (many more) reference materials of all kinds of chemical compositions and matrices, such that the 'identical treatment' principle between samples and reference materials can be followed.We invite papers on progress in the production, characterisation and use of (new) reference materials (for example for compound-specific isotope measurements, for enriched materials, or for clumped isotopes or 17O excess). In addition, work on improvements of realisation of delta scales, their definition and conversion is welcome. 3 Atmospheric sciences: greenhouse and other tracer gases, air quality and aerosolsMeasurement and modelling of isotopic composition are useful tools to investigate the sources, sinks and chemical transportation pathways in atmospheric sciences. Applications include studies on greenhouse gases, shorter-lived air pollutants and organic and inorganic aerosols. "Second order" isotope effects, such as non-mass dependent isotope fractionation processes and clumped isotopes and position dependent isotope substitutions have added additional isotope dimensions to the toolbox of the isotope community.The session is open to all contributions that use isotope techniques in the investigation of atmospheric trace gases and aerosols, including field studies, laboratory and simulation experiments, novel sampling or analytical techniques, and modelling activities.Topics addressed in this session include:- Stable isotope ratios in atmospheric gases and aerosols- Kinetic isotope effects- Non-mass dependent isotopic fractionation and related isotope anomalies- Poly-substituted isotopocules ("clumped isotopes")- Position dependent isotope effects in atmospheric species- Stable isotope ratios in the past, present and future atmosphere 4 Paleoclimatology and ArchaeologyPaleoclimatology and Archaeology is about the use of stable isotopes to study the past through archives such as marine and lake sediments, tree rings, ice cores, bogs, as well as human and animal remains. We invite researchers to share abstracts on their latest results, case studies, methodological insights, new proxies or applications for reconstructing past climates, environments and aspects of (human) life. All palaeoclimatological and archeological studies involving stable isotopes are welcome. We particularly encourage contributions on novel methodological developments, re-examination of old paradigms, approaches combining multiple isotope analyses on the same compounds or records, and isotope analysis of challenging materials/compounds. 5 Food Authenticity, Forensics, IsoscapesWe encourage you to submit an abstract addressing novel stable isotope methods, strategies or case studies in the fields of Food Authenticity, Forensics and Isoscapes. Topics of interest that can be addressed are e.g. new analytical or data strategies in food origin/production, method/fraud detection; novel food, functional food and food supplement authentication; forensic research on explosives, drugs of abuse, substandard and falsified medicines, or micro/elemental traces; scientific or forensic research regarding sources, partitioning, or provenance of natural and synthetic materials or organisms using isoscapes. 6 Biogeochemistry: carbon, nitrogen, sulfur and other cyclesWe invite researchers to submit abstracts for our JESIUM session on the innovative use of stable isotopes to study biogeochemical cycles, focusing primarily on carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur, along with other elements. This session will highlight novel and mechanistic insights into the biogeochemistry of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. We welcome contributions that span both natural and human-impacted environments. We encourage submissions that present original research, advancements in process understanding and quantification, or case studies demonstrating the application of stable isotopes. Your contributions will be instrumental in deepening our understanding of critical processes underlying ecosystem functioning. 7 Geosciences and HydrologyFor this session, we welcome contributions on stable isotope research and methodological developments from all isotope hydrologists, hydrogeologists, environmental and geoscientists and/or other related researchers. We aim to focus on quantitative and qualitative aspects of the Earth’s hydrological cycle, connected to the surface ocean, atmosphere (vapour – precipitation), land and soil water dynamics, as well as surface-groundwater interactions, soil water transport and groundwater recharge. We also welcome submissions about isotope tracers for process studies and indications of chemical transformations, or studies on developing new stable isotope tools that contribute to better understanding of past, present and future environments and climate change. 8 Health, Nutrition, Medical SciencesWe invite researchers to submit abstracts for our JESIUM session focused on the use of stable isotopes in Health, Nutrition, and Medical Sciences. This session will delve into a) how stable isotopes can enhance our understanding of metabolic processes, nutrient dynamics, and disease mechanisms, and b) advancements and innovations in the technique itself for the purpose of applicability in aforementioned fields. We encourage submissions that present original research, methodological advancements, or case studies demonstrating the application of stable isotopes in these disciplines. We look forward to a thoughtful exchange of ideas among well-established scientists and those at earlier stages of their careers on the role and application of stable isotopes in health,nutrition, and medical research, to deepen our understanding of this important area. 9 Ecology: marine, aquatic and terrestrialStable isotopes have been used as ecological tracers for several decades, enabling us to track changes and processes over time and/or space.  The field of stable isotope ecology remains as fruitful as ever, as researchers continue to find novel applications of traditional methods as well as expanding the range of data analytical procedures (e.g., isoscapes, mixing models, niche metrics, trophic position estimations) and elements used as tracers (e.g., "non-traditional" elements other than C, H, N, O and S).The aim of this session is to provide a forum for all ecologists who use stable isotopes for their research, regardless of their career stage, newcomers or experienced users alike. The session will be as inclusive as possible, with no limitations regarding the studied environments (terrestrial, freshwater or marine), the questions tackled (spatial ecology, animal migrations, food webs, ecological interactions, paleoecology or other) or the considered organisation level (from individuals to whole ecosystems).We will welcome contributions aiming to develop novel methods, concepts or research directions; studies questioning the assumptions underlying applications in stable isotope ecology; integrative approaches coupling stable isotopes with other ecological tracers; or simply case studies highlighting how established stable isotopes methods can provide answers to fundamental ecological questions. 




Conference secretariat: F&U confirm

Permoserstraße 15, 04318 Leipzig, Germany

Tel. +49 (0)341 | 6025 1824

jesium2025 (at)
